HOURS: M-F 9am - 6pm or Sat 9am - 5pm

phone: 720-580-9558

True-Fly Patterns

  • Goldbead Poxyback PMD

    Goldbead Poxyback PMD

    The nymph life cycle of the Pale Morning Dun is actively preyed upon by trout in both Eastern and Western rivers.  Known to take multiple "practice runs" between the bottom of the river and the surface before committing to emergence, trout will feed...

  • Golden Stonefly Selection

    Golden Stonefly Selection

    Among the biggest and baddest bugs on the river, the Golden Stonefly hatch is one of the most eagerly anticipated hatches of the summer!  These large bodied stoneflies take up to two years to reach maturity as a nymph before they are ready to crawl...

    $25.63 - $66.63
  • Green Drake Emerger

    Green Drake Emerger

    When the big green drake nymphs break cover from the bottom of the stream and start to make their way towards the surface, it is mayhem!  Trout lose their minds as they aggressively pursue and feed upon the ascending Green Drake nymphs, making the...

  • Green Drake Parachute Emerger

    Green Drake Parachute Emerger

    The Jumbo Jet of Western mayflies, the Green Drake takes a long time to spread its wings and get off the water.  During the Green Drake hatch, trout will key in and actively feed on the emergers as they struggle to free their wings from their...

  • Green Drake Sparkle Dun

    Green Drake Sparkle Dun

    Among the largest moving water mayfly species in the western US, the Green Drake dwarfs other mayfly species when it emerges each summer.  Due to the size of its wings and the time needed to stretch and dry them during their emergence, the Green...

  • Parachute Greg's Emerger - BWO Parachute Greg's Emerger - Grey Parachute Greg's Emerger - PMD Parachute Greg's Emerger - Black

    Greg's Parachute Emerger

    The closest legal alternative to fishing with dynamite during a mayfly hatch, the Parachute Greg's Emerger is - hands down - our favorite dry mayfly emerger pattern.  Spot on in its imitation of mayfly struggling through the surface of the...

  • Grey Drake Spinner

    Grey Drake Spinner

    The mayfly genus of Siphlonurus, commonly known as Grey Drakes, are an important still water and slow moving water family spanning the US and Canada.  Swimming quickly to the surface in a hatch that lasts a number of months, it is the...

  • Hair Wing Green Drake Hair Wing Green Drake

    Hair Wing Green Drake

    Specifically tied to match the adult Western Green Drake (both dun and spinner life cycles), the Hair Wing Green Drake is an almost spot-on imitation and a proven killer during this stunning summer hatch!  While similar in every aspect to the Hen...

  • Hen Wing Green Drake Hen Wing Green Drake

    Hen Wing Green Drake

    Specifically tied to match the adult Western Green Drake (both dun and spinner life cycles) the Hen Wing Green Drake is an almost spot-on imitation and a proven killer during this stunning summer hatch!   Dry/Wet:  Dry Fly...

  • Hendrickson Mayfly Selection

    Hendrickson Mayfly Selection

    Hendrickson is a common name that anglers have used to encompass both the species of Ephemerella invaria (also known as the Sulphur of Light Hendrickson) and Ephemerella needhami (Dark Hendrickson) because they are often found living in the same...

    $25.29 - $66.29
  • Hendrickson Sparkle Dun

    Hendrickson Sparkle Dun

    One of the first and most prolific mayfly hatches each spring in the upper Midwest, Appalachia, and New England, the trout wake from their winter stupor to pursue these emerging Hendrickson mayflies with gusto!  While often overlooked and under...

  • Hendrickson Spinner

    Hendrickson Spinner

    The perfect end to one of the first big mayfly hatches of the year, the Hendrickson Spinner is tied to match the spawned out and dying spinner as they fall to the water.  With the adult Hendrickson just living 24-48 hours outside of the water, this...

  • Hex Emerger

    Hex Emerger

    Half in and half out of the water, the Hex Emerger Pattern imitates the Hex mayfly nymph breaking out of its nymphal skin and starting to spread its wings for the first time.  Up until the emergence, the Hex nymphs spend their time burrowed...

  • Hex Mayfly Selection

    Hex Mayfly Selection

    Populating lakes and slack waters in every US State (except Alaska, Arizona, and New Mexico), and spreading throughout every Canadian province except the furthest reaches of Nunavut and the Yukon, the Hex Mayfly (or genus Hexagenia) is one of the largest...

    $24.60 - $45.10
  • Isonychia (Slate Drake) Nymph

    Isonychia (Slate Drake) Nymph

    Known across the East Coast as Slate Drakes, Iso Mayflies, or by the long winded angler as Isonychia, these mayflies are a very important trout food in the waters they inhabit.  Excellent swimmers, these long bodied Iso nymphs move freely...

  • Juju Yellow Sally Nymph

    Juju Yellow Sally

    The Juju Yellow Sally is a flashy little stonefly nymph that expertly mimics the thin abdomen and brightly colored yellow body, and prominent split tail of juvenile Yellow Sally, Golden, and Early Brown Stonefly nymphs! Anglers often get...

  • Knuckle Dragger Green Drake

    Knuckle Dragger Green Drake

    An acrobatic imitating of the Western Green Drake Mayfly nymph, the yellow rubber legs of the Knuckle Dragger Green Drake seductively kick like a Rockette as it bounces and swims down the river!  Big and clumsy, and often washed out of its rocky...

  • Leech Fly Selection

    Leech Selection

    Found in ponds, reservoirs, creeks, and rivers at every elevation and in all 50 states, leeches are a must-have pattern for the fly fisher who loves to catch big fish!  Most commonly found swimming along the bottom of the lake or river, retrieving...

    $21.87 - $38.27
  • Light Hendrickson

    Light Hendrickson

    Light Hendrickson, Ephemerella invaria, or Sulpher are all names for the same explosive mayfly hatch that takes over East Coast rivers each spring.  Following the Dark Hendrickson or Ephemerella subvaria hatch, with warming water...

  • Orange Loop Egg Red Loop Egg Pink Loop Egg

    Loop Egg

    Eggs are a trout favorite, as they are one of the first major meals available to trout after ice off as well as one of the last chances to pack on weight before the lean winter months.  During the spawn, all trout will  actively feed on eggs...

  • Parachute Loopwing Callibaetis

    Loopwing Parachute Callibaetis

    True to the natural Callibaetis Mayfly down to the speckled wing and long tail, the Loopwing Parachute Callibaetis is an almost spot-on imitation of this important stillwater mayfly species.  When fishing ponds and lakes which normally only...

  • March Brown

    March Brown

    Beautifully imitating the adult March Brown mayfly down to the yellow ribbed segments along its abdomen, the March Brown dry fly is tied specifically to match this important trout forage species.  While they emerge at dusk, the adult March Brown...

  • March Brown Pearlwing Spinner

    March Brown Pearlwing Spinner

    While most prominent in the central and eastern United States, the March Brown will also be found in many western streams and rivers, stretching as far north as Alaska.  The common name of March Brown is a little deceptive as the largest and...

  • Matt's Hi-Vis Trico Spinner

    Matt's Hi Vis Trico Spinner

    The tiny moving water mayfly family of Tricorythodes (or more commonly known as Tricos) make up what for what they lack in size (generally sizes 18-22) with their almost plague-like numbers.  Creating swarms that can shadow the river, the...
