HOURS: M-F 9am - 6pm or Sat 9am - 5pm

phone: 720-580-9558

Generalist Patterns

  • Miracle Midge

    Miracle Midge

    In the murky, flowing, and changing world of trout, there are few fly materials as visible and easy to define as white.  Able to be perceived by trout at a greater depth and distance than red, pink, green, or purple, the Miracle Midge with its white...

  • Miracle Nymph

    Miracle Nymph

    While it’s easy to get carried away in the fly shop and pack your boxes with a ton of different midge patterns, sometimes it’s best to just keep it simple with a tried-and-true pattern like the Miracle Nymph. Originally tied for the...

  • Mole Fly

    Mole Fly

    Upon reaching the surface of the water, the emerging midge or chironomid pupa tears from the pack of its pupal skin and lifts its wings straight up out of the water.  These emerging midges are far from home free, and feeding trout are ready to ruin...

  • Mosquito Dry Fly

    Mosquito Dry Fly

    Capable of reproducing in any pond, backwater, or puddle, these little blood suckers will be found in every state and at every elevation.  While mosquitoes can quite literally be a pain to the fly angler, they remain a trout favorite.  In a...

  • MPMD Nymph

    MPMD Nymph

    A mayfly nymph from another mother, the MPMP Nymph is one of Ascent’s “secret weapon” Pale Morning Dun Mayfly Nymph we pull out when trout become warry of more common patterns and we’re looking to turn a day around! This fly...

  • Parachute Adams

    Parachute Adams

    If we were only allowed to fish one dry mayfly pattern for the rest of our days on the water, that pattern would be the Parachute Adams.  This Generalist pattern is one that we have returned to over the decades, and have effectively fished...

  • Parachute Blue Dun

    Parachute Blue Dun

    Holding its head and abdomen close to the water, and its wings high aloft, the Parachute Blue Dun is an excellent fly pattern when matching the Black Quill, Blue Quill, Hendrickson, Callibaetis, and Ginger Quill Mayfly hatches.  While this fly...

  • Parachute BWO

    Parachute BWO

    Depending on where you live, a number of different mayflies might share the name of Blue Winged Olive (BWO).  However,  it is the size 16-24 family of Baetis that is being referred to.  With hundreds of patterns both dry and wet being...

  • Parachute Caddis

    Parachute Caddis

    Don't let the name of this pattern fool you and make you think that it is only effective during the caddis hatch!  The Parachute Caddis is one of our favorite and most versatile crossover patterns, and can be fished with equal success as either an...

  • Parachute Callibaetis Emerger

    Parachute Callibaetis Emerger

    Found throughout the lower 48 states and Canada, the Callibaetis Mayfly is one of our few stillwater (pond, lake, and reservoir) mayfly species.  While active throughout their nymph life cycle and fed upon by trout, it is in their adult form on top...

  • Yellow Parachute Madam X Olive Parachute Madam X Purple Parachute Madam X

    Parachute Madame X (PMX)

    Based on the tried and true Madame X pattern, the Parachute Madame X (or PMX) adds a tall white parachute for extra buoyancy and visibility on the water.  Capturing the long thin body, scrambling legs, and prominent wing case of the adult...

  • Parachute PMD

    Parachute PMD

    After the BWO hatch each spring, the Pale Morning Dun or PMD is the next major mayfly hatch for streams and rivers across the West.  If you are looking for a highly visible, go-to pattern to match the Adult PMD, go no further than the Parachute...

  • Parachute Sulphur

    Parachute Sulphur

    One of the first and most prolific mayfly hatches each spring in the upper Midwest, Appalachia, East Coast, and New England, the trout wake from their winter stupor to pursue the Sulphur mayflies with gusto!  An equally effective and highly visible...

  • Parachute Trico

    Parachute Trico

    The tiny moving water mayfly family of Tricorythodes (or more commonly known as Tricos), make up what for what they lack in size (generally sizes 18-22) with their almost plague-like numbers.  Whether you are looking to fish the freshly...

  • Parachute White Miller

    Parachute White Miller

    White Drakes, White Flies, or White Millers, whatever the name they might go by in your neck of the woods, the importance of the Ephoron family to both trout and the fly fisher stretches from the Midwest to the East Coast.  Typically...

  • Yellow & Black Pat's Rubber Legs Brown & Black Pat's Rubber Legs Yellow & Black Pat's Rubber Legs Olive & Black Pat's Rubber Legs Brown Pat's Rubber Legs

    Pat's Rubber Legs

    While to the untrained eye, the Pat's Rubber Legs (regionally also known as “The Pickle” or “Cat Poop”) look to the angler like little more than a pipe cleaner with legs, but to the trout it looks like a big juicy steak...

  • Peanut Envy - Brown Peanut Envy - Olive Peanut Envy - Black Peanut Envy - White

    Peanut Envy

    Inspired by the Circus Peanut, the Peanut Envy articulated streamer is a long, lean trout sticking machine! The longest articulate streamer in the shop, the Peanut Envy is topped with a conehead to help it slice through the water, while the defined tufts...

  • Pheasant Tail Nymph Olive Pheasant Tail Nymph Black Pheasant Tail Nymph

    Pheasant Tail Nymph

    While there are no secret patterns that are guaranteed to catch fish every time you are on the water, the closest thing to it would be the Pheasant Tail Nymph.  This generalist nymph pattern is close enough in color to a host of invertebrate species...

  • PMD Pearl Wing Spinner

    PMD Pearlwing Spinner

    Used to match the expired PMD, PED, and Sulphur Mayflies, this Pearlwing Spinner has given up its ghost and is ready and waiting for a hungry trout to snap it up!  Immediately after spawning, the spinners rain down on the water, luring even the most...

  • Dad Bod Nymph - Side View Dad Bod Nymph - Bottom View PS Dad Bod

    PS Dad Bod

    “Dad Bods are hot right now!” While the Dad jokes almost write themselves on the river with this pattern, this double beadhead nymph pattern is no laughing matter when it comes to catching trout! This fly is a little scruffy up top, sporting...

  • PS Dirty French Kiss PS Dirty French Kiss Fly Blueprint

    PS Dirty French Kiss

    The darker version of the PS French Kiss fly pattern, the Dirty French Kiss is a punk rock fly that is always ready to GET DOWN with any trout!  White wings and tails stand out from its dark body, and it is crowned with a hot collar and...

  • PS French Kiss PS French Kiss Fly Blueprint

    PS French Kiss

    Like a middle school boy going in for their first kiss, this fly is a bit over eager and goes in deep with the TUNG.  This fly stands out from the crowd with its poppin hot collar, rubber wings, and bright white tails, as it dances through the water...

  • Grey Quill Midge Emerger Black Quill Midge Emerger Olive Quill Midge Emerger Cream Quill Midge Emerger

    Quill Midge Emerger

    Trout porpoising through the top of the water, fins, and snouts just clipping through the surface is a telltale sign of fish gorging on midge emergers.  Due to the small profile of most midges and chironomids, they have to struggle to break through...

  • Reef Pal

    Reef Pal

    One of the best kept guide secrets of Wyoming's North Platte River, the Reef Pal is a mighty midge pattern that packs one hell of a punch.  The blue glass beadhead of this midge pattern has proven the Kryptonite like downfall for many a trophy trout...
