HOURS: M-F 9am - 6pm or Sat 9am - 5pm

phone: 720-580-9558

Pale Morning Dun / Pale Evening Dun Patterns

30 of 30 Items
  • PMD Pearl Wing Spinner

    PMD Pearlwing Spinner

    Used to match the expired PMD, PED, and Sulphur Mayflies, this Pearlwing Spinner has given up its ghost and is ready and waiting for a hungry trout to snap it up!  Immediately after spawning, the spinners rain down on the water, luring even the most...

  • PMD Sparkle Dun

    PMD Sparkle Dun

    While present throughout the US, the Pale Morning Dun (PMD) is most prolific and considered a vital food source for trout out west.  Usually emerging from the water in the morning and again at dusk, the PMD Sparkle Dun floats low in the water and is...

  • Rusty Spinner

    Rusty Spinner

    The spawned out mayfly spinner, floating on top of the water after death, is among the easiest food and fastest calories available for the feeding trout.  Immediately after spawning, the male mayflies will fall to the water, spreading their wings...

  • Skinny Nelson

    Skinny Nelson

    Originally tied along the banks of Oregon's McKenzie river, and made famous on the Big Horn River in Montana, the Skinny Nelson is an unassuming, micro-nymph pattern that has proven the downfall of many a trout!  While a killer match for a number of...

  • Split Case PMD Nymph

    Split Case PMD

    Equipped with a "Hot Spot" wing pad, the bright yellow foam on the back of the Split Case PMD imitate the bright yellow body for the adult PMD mayfly just starting to split from its shuck and emerge!  Like cracking the refrigerator door in...

  • The Answer Dark Olive The Answer White The Answer Blue

    The Answer

    As its name would suggest, when another angler approaches you on the water and asks you what you are catching all of the fish on, your can tell them this fly is "The Answer".  Tied with an emerging wing bud, glass beadhead, and a long thread tail,...

30 of 30 Items