HOURS: M-F 9am - 6pm or Sat 9am - 5pm

phone: 720-580-9558

Flies A - Z

  • Irresistible Adams

    Irresistible Adams

    The overweight member of the Adams dry fly family, the Irresistible Adams is just too big of a meal for most trout to pass up! While copying the wing and tail of the traditional Adams dry fly, the Irresistible Adams is tied with a stacked deer hair body...

  • Isonychia (Slate Drake) Nymph

    Isonychia (Slate Drake) Nymph

    Known across the East Coast as Slate Drakes, Iso Mayflies, or by the long winded angler as Isonychia, these mayflies are a very important trout food in the waters they inhabit.  Excellent swimmers, these long bodied Iso nymphs move freely...

  • Brown Trout Janssen's Minnow Rainbow Janssen's Minnow Brookie Janssen's Minnow Shad Janssen's Minnow

    Janssen's Minnow

    There is no love lost between young trout and their older brothers and sisters! Trophy trout are like body builders and are interested in packing on protein any way they can.  Large trout are commonly cannibalistic, so if young trout are in the...

  • Yellow Jelly Cord Caddis Larva Green Jelly Cord Caddis Larva

    Jelly Cord Caddis Larva

    The first and longest life cycle of the caddisfly, the Jelly Caddis Larva is tied in key sizes and colors, which allows it to match more species on more waters over a greater number of seasons than any other larva pattern...

  • Juju Yellow Sally Nymph

    Juju Yellow Sally

    The Juju Yellow Sally is a flashy little stonefly nymph that expertly mimics the thin abdomen and brightly colored yellow body, and prominent split tail of juvenile Yellow Sally, Golden, and Early Brown Stonefly nymphs! Anglers often get...

  • Blue & Black Jujubee Midge Bleeder Jujubee Midge Olive & Black Jujubee Midge Black & Grey Jujubee Midge

    Jujubee Midge

    Like a candy cane for trout, the Jujubee Midge is a sweet little wet midge pattern that can tempt even the most reluctant trout!  The tiny wing buds, contrasting colors down the abdomen, and tiny bit of flash along the back ingredients for success,...

  • Knuckle Dragger Golden Stonefly Nymph

    Knuckle Dragger Golden Stone

    A super active imitating of the Golden Stonefly Nymph, the yellow rubber legs of the Knuckle Dragger Golden Stone seductively kick like a Rockette as it bounces and swims down the river!  Big and clumsy, and often washed out of its rocky refuge on...

  • Knuckle Dragger Green Drake

    Knuckle Dragger Green Drake

    An acrobatic imitating of the Western Green Drake Mayfly nymph, the yellow rubber legs of the Knuckle Dragger Green Drake seductively kick like a Rockette as it bounces and swims down the river!  Big and clumsy, and often washed out of its rocky...

  • Light Cahill

    Light Cahill

     With the name Light Cahill being applied to a number of different mayfly species across the country, having this pattern stocked in your box will enable you to cover a lot of water.  Fish the Light Cahill dry fly in sizes 12-20 to match most...

  • Light Cahill CDC Comparadun

    Light Cahill CDC Comparadun

    With the name Light Cahill being applied to a number of different mayfly species across the country, having this pattern stocked in your box will enable you to cover a lot of water over a number of seasons.  The Light Cahill CDC Comparadun is a...

  • Light Hendrickson

    Light Hendrickson

    Light Hendrickson, Ephemerella invaria, or Sulpher are all names for the same explosive mayfly hatch that takes over East Coast rivers each spring.  Following the Dark Hendrickson or Ephemerella subvaria hatch, with warming water...

  • Brown Lightning Bolt Yellow Lightning Bolt

    Lightning Bolt

    The love child of a Pheasant Tail Flashback and a Little Yellow Stonefly Nymph, the Lightning Bolt is a fiery little nymph pattern that is fished with equal effect as either a mayfly or stonefly imitation.  While not quite as flamboyant as...

  • Loaded Emerger Fly Box - Includes 48 flies Loaded Emerger Fly Box - Includes 48 flies

    Loaded Emerger Fly Box

    Few life cycles are as vulnerable to feeding trout as the "emerger" and that means that emerger patterns are going to produce some of the most consistent action and greater numbers of fish in your net year-round!  Struggling to make it from the...

  • Orange Loop Egg Red Loop Egg Pink Loop Egg

    Loop Egg

    Eggs are a trout favorite, as they are one of the first major meals available to trout after ice off as well as one of the last chances to pack on weight before the lean winter months.  During the spawn, all trout will  actively feed on eggs...

  • Parachute Loopwing Callibaetis

    Loopwing Parachute Callibaetis

    True to the natural Callibaetis Mayfly down to the speckled wing and long tail, the Loopwing Parachute Callibaetis is an almost spot-on imitation of this important stillwater mayfly species.  When fishing ponds and lakes which normally only...

  • Chocolate Loopwing WD-40

    Loopwing WD-40

    Similar to the household lubricant from which this pattern derives its name, the WD-40 works anytime and everywhere!  The profile of this fly and the various colors in which it is available make it one of the most versatile patterns, able...

  • Magic Midge

    Magic Midge

    With almost 17,000 species of midge inhabiting our North American waters, trying to match their hatch down to the species is out of the question.  For greater success when fishing midges, it is often more effective to get close in size and color to...

  • Mahalo Nymph - Purple Mahalo Nymph - Red Mahalo Nymph - Black

    Mahalo Nymph

    Originally crafted to target the trophy trout of Pyramid Lake in Nevada, the Mahalo Nymph might just have landed more 20lb trout than any other fly in box! This fly is the epitome of an attractor pattern, loaded with holographic mylar, ice dubbing, wire,...

  • Black Manhattan Midge Red Manhattan Midge

    Manhattan Midge

    If you are looking for a go to midge emerger with a proven record of fooling even the most selective trout, look no further than the Manhattan Midge! A true tailwater and spring creek killer, the Manhattan Midge has just the right amount of bling to pull...

  • March Brown

    March Brown

    Beautifully imitating the adult March Brown mayfly down to the yellow ribbed segments along its abdomen, the March Brown dry fly is tied specifically to match this important trout forage species.  While they emerge at dusk, the adult March Brown...

  • March Brown Pearlwing Spinner

    March Brown Pearlwing Spinner

    While most prominent in the central and eastern United States, the March Brown will also be found in many western streams and rivers, stretching as far north as Alaska.  The common name of March Brown is a little deceptive as the largest and...

  • Marlee Zebra Midge

    Marlee Zebra Midge

     A variation of the classic zebra midge, the Marlee Zebra Midge is tied large and sports a prominent buzzer head to imitate the fan-like feeding appendages used by a number of midge species.   Dry/Wet:  Wet Fly...

  • Matt's Baetis

    Matt's Baetis

    The Matt's Baetis nymph pattern captures the true spirit of the Generalist in its ability to match a massive number of mayfly and stonefly species.  The slender abdomen, well-defined tail, and flexible legs all add to the lifelike appearance and...

  • Matt's Hi-Vis Trico Spinner

    Matt's Hi Vis Trico Spinner

    The tiny moving water mayfly family of Tricorythodes (or more commonly known as Tricos) make up what for what they lack in size (generally sizes 18-22) with their almost plague-like numbers.  Creating swarms that can shadow the river, the...
