HOURS: M-F 9am - 6pm or Sat 9am - 5pm

phone: 720-580-9558

Dry Flies

  • Parachute Sulphur Dun

    Parachute Sulphur Dun

    One of the first and most prolific mayfly hatches each spring in the upper Midwest, Appalachia, East Coast, and New England, the trout wake from their winter stupor to pursue the Sulphur mayflies with gusto!  An equally effective and highly visible...

  • BXB Parachute Slate Drake Dun

    BXB Parachute Slate Drake Dun

    The Slate Drake (or genus Isonychia) is a prominent, big bodied mayfly that hatches in trout streams across the East and Midwest.  While not found in the numbers of some of the spring-emerging mayflies such as the Sulphurs, the trout will...

  • BXB Parachute Yellow Drake

    BXB Parachute Yellow Drake

    The Yellow Drake (Ephemera varia) is a massive mayfly that emgerges from Midwestern and Eastern streams each fall.  Unlike other mayflies in the Ephemera family, which hatch from the water in a flurry over a week, the Yellow Drake will emerge...

  • BXB Green Drake Coffin Fly BXB Green Drake Coffin Fly

    BXB Green Drake Coffin Fly

    Found across the Eastern US and Canada and as far West as Arkansas, the Eastern Green Drake or Ephemera guttulata hatch is rivaled only in size and numbers by that of the giant Hex mayflies.  Renowned for the clouds of large, light colored...

  • Grey Drake Spinner

    Grey Drake Spinner

    The mayfly genus of Siphlonurus, commonly known as Grey Drakes, are an important still water and slow moving water family spanning the US and Canada.  Swimming quickly to the surface in a hatch that lasts a number of months, it is the...

  • Parachute Grey Drake Biot Emerger

    Parachute Grey Drake Biot Emerger

    The Grey Drake or genus Siphlonurus emerges from waters across the US and Canada throughout the day over a period of several months each summer.  The Parachute Grey Drake Biot Emerger is best fished as fish are following these free swimming...

  • Extended Body Foam Grey Drake

    Extended Body Foam Grey Drake

    The mayfly genus of Siphlonurus, commonly known as Grey Drakes, are an important still water and slow moving water family spanning the US and Canada.  Swimming quickly to the surface in a hatch that lasts a number of months, it is the...

  • BWO CDC Comparadun

    BWO CDC Comparadun

    Sitting lower in the water than both the Parachute BWO and the Thorax BWO, the BWO CDC Comparadun makes it appear trapped in the surface film, and is among the most visible adult (dry) Blue Winged Olive Mayfly patterns to the feeding trout.  BWO...

  • Blue Dun CDC Comparadun

    Blue Dun CDC Comparadun

    The Blue Dun is a common name that has been applied to a number of spring and summer emerging mayfly species, including the Black Quills, Blue Quills, Hendricksons, and Ginger Quills.  Similar to the fabled Parachute Adams in its ability to match...

  • BWO CDC Thorax Dun

    BWO CDC Thorax Dun

    Tied with both a hackle wrap behind the eye of the hook and a thick tuft of CDC feathers off its back, the BWO CDC Thorax Dun is an extra buoyant pattern that will keep a high and dry drift where your other BWO patterns sink.  Great for use in...

  • PS Martian Mouse - In the Light PS Martian Mouse - In the Dark

    PS Martian Mouse

    The PS Martian Mouse is an other-worldly fly and the brainchild of Aquatic Biologist Peter Stitcher.  Tied with several thick tufts of Glow in the Dark Flash to imitate the frantic splashing of a rodent swimming across the...
