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  • The Prince Nymph & 30 Years of Trout
    June 19, 2019

    The Prince Nymph & 30 Years of Trout

    The fly rod in my hand was twice my height, and I had free reign of the Saint Vrain while my grandfather was on duty at the trailhead. That first day on the river was more than 30 years ago now, but the fly that was catching fish that day has rarely let me [...]
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  • June 13, 2019

    Trout are Ready for a Terrestrial Insect Feast - Are You?

    Warm summer days charge up solar-powered terrestrial insects and put them on the trouts' menu!With the long summer days and the rise of the mercury in the thermometer, so heats up the summer terrestrial bite! All invertebrates (aka bugs) are cold-blooded, and when the weather is cool or overcast, they don't want to move. [...]
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  • Like Shrimp Cocktail for Trout!
    May 29, 2019

    Like Shrimp Cocktail for Trout!

    Runoff is your opportunity to fish scud and sowbugs for BIG FISH!Fish feeding behavior and the foods they choose to pursue is based first and foremost on the number of calories they will be rewarded with for their effort. The storied waters of the Bighorn River in Montana, the White River in Arkansas, the [...]
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  • Get Ready for Stonefly Season on the Gunnison
    May 22, 2019

    Get Ready for Stonefly Season on the Gunnison

    The hot late spring sun, rising rivers and lengthening days signal that BIG BUG season is almost upon us! Each year between May and July, the Salmon Flies, Golden Stoneflies and Yellow Sallies emerge from the depths of our rivers to become the lifeblood of trout fisheries across the Rockies and the Western US. [...]
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  • May 15, 2019

    Learn what it takes to be a Great Fishing Guide

    We've all done it, it's been a long work week, the boss has been breathing down our necks and we start to daydream about leaving the rat race and becoming a fly fishing guide.This week I connected with one of the best fresh & saltwater guides in the business, Danny Frank, owner of Denver-based Colorado [...]
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  • The Unsung Heros of Spring Hatches - The Dark Hendrickson & Sulphur Mayflies
    May 1, 2019

    The Unsung Heros of Spring Hatches - The Dark Hendrickson & Sulphur Mayflies

    Dark Hendrickson - Ephemerella subvaria (Photo Credit on where you are fishing, the hatches may be known as the Sulphur Dun, Light Hendrickson, Pale Evening Dun, Great Eastern Sulphur, Red Quil, Dark Hendrickson, Yellow May, Light Cahill, or Yellow Dun. Regardless of what you call them, the fact remains that the hatches of [...]
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  • Fish a Purple Fly in Memory of Prince!
    April 24, 2019

    Fish a Purple Fly in Memory of Prince!

    It takes a confident man to rock as much purple as the artist Prince did before his passing on April 21, 2016. The man exuded an animal magnetism that drove women crazy the same way that trout lose their fishy minds when a purple fly drifts their way!The foundation to matching the hatch is [...]
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  • Like a Biblical Plague, the Blue Winged Olives are Here!
    April 17, 2019

    Like a Biblical Plague, the Blue Winged Olives are Here!

    While there are a number of hatches starting to dimple the surfaces of rivers across the United States, none are more important or eagerly greeted by trout as the Blue Winged Olive Mayfly (BWO) hatch! Found in 48 of the 50 US states and all of Canada, the BWO hatch is as regular as [...]
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  • The Advantages of Fly Fishing with Fluorocarbon
    April 10, 2019

    The Advantages of Fly Fishing with Fluorocarbon

    Not all tippet and leader are created equal. Monofilament or nylon line has been around since the 1950s and while relatively inexpensive and excellent for fishing dry flies, it has some major disadvantages when fishing wet flies or targeting skittish fish. The answer to these problems came in the mid-’70s with the invention [...]
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