The Unsung Heros of Spring Hatches - The Dark Hendrickson & Sulphur Mayflies
Dark Hendrickson - Ephemerella subvaria (Photo Credit Troutnut.com)
Depending on where you are fishing, the hatches may be known as the Sulphur Dun, Light Hendrickson, Pale Evening Dun, Great Eastern Sulphur, Red Quil, Dark Hendrickson, Yellow May, Light Cahill, or Yellow Dun. Regardless of what you call them, the fact remains that the hatches of the Ephemerella subvaria and the Ephemerella invaria are among some of the most prolific on the river and most eagerly anticipated by trout and angler alike each spring! Found blossoming from rivers in the Midwest and spanning across the Southeast, Appalachia, and New England, Hendricksons and Sulphurs have been a staple for anglers in this region for generations, but have been often overlooked by Rocky Mountain and West Coast anglers. The same fly patterns that we use to match the Sulphurs and Hendricksons of the East can be equally effective when fished as a Light Cahill, Pale Morning Dun, Grey Drake, or Red Quill.
If you are looking for some dry mayflies to round out your fly box and catch fish coast to coast, look no further than the Dark Hendrickson,Light Hendrickson,Parachute Sulphur Dun,& Parachute Sulphur
Sulphur or Light Hendrickson - Ephemerella invaria (Photo Credit Troutnut.com)