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Like Shrimp Cocktail for Trout!

Like Shrimp Cocktail for Trout!

Runoff is your opportunity to fish scud and sowbugs for BIG FISH!

Fish feeding behavior and the foods they choose to pursue is based first and foremost on the number of calories they will be rewarded with for their effort. The storied waters of the Bighorn River in Montana, the White River in Arkansas, the Crooked River of Oregon, and the Dream Stream section of the South Platte in Colorado all earned their rep and grew their populations of trophy fish on diets of Scud and Sowbugs! 

Both members of the crustacean family, scud and sowbugs are among trout's favorite foods. These protein-rich invertebrates can be found in both lakes and rivers throughout the US, but when they really come into their full glory is during runoff. While scud and sowbugs typically like to take refuge in secluded backwaters or hunker down among streamside vegetation, the high flows of runoff flush these high-calorie foods up into the current and onto the menu. Living scud and sowbugs vary in color from grey to olive to tan, while dead specimens will turn orange or pink (similar to a shrimp that has been boiled and is ready to be served with cocktail sauce).

If you are looking for a tried and true fly for fishing during runoff, look no further than scud and sowbugs!

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