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Free Shipping On All USA Orders $50+

Hours: M-F 9am - 6pm or Sat 9am - 5pm

Phone: 720-580-9558

Our 3 Part Mission


What gets you out of bed in the morning and gives meaning to your work?  Whether you work in a classroom, cubicle, warehouse, or fly shop, this is an important question we should each ask ourselves.  Above and beyond the mundane need to pay our bills and sustain our families, why do you work?  In the corporate world these motivations might be summarized on the boardroom wall as a mission statement.  Well, at Ascent Fly Fishing we had graffiti and fly fishing artists tag and paint the shop walls, so I thought I'd share a bit about what motivates the team at Ascent Fly Fishing and why we love serving each of you!  It does without saying that we LOVE HELPING PEOPLE CATCH FISH, but that is the fruit of these three core principles that guide the Ascent Fly Fishing team. 

SHARE The Water

If you see one of the Ascent Fly Fishing trucks next to the river or happen to be drifting alongside us on a raft, the invitation is always the same, "You're welcome to fish with us!"  Regardless to if you are tying a fly behind a bubble on your $20 Zebco spinning rod or you've been fly fishing for 40 years, we believe the river and world of fishing is a place where EVERYONE BELONGS and WE CONSIDER IT AN HONOR TO SHARE THE WATER WITH YOU!

The river is our medium for healing, belonging, recreation, gathering, and life, and we are always happy to drop pins on the map to mark where you can catch a prized trout species, find a hot spring, or get away from the crowds during runoff.  To not share this would imply possession and exclusivity, and that is not what we're about.  Regardless of if you're looking to float, fish, or just skip rocks with the kids, we're honored to Share the Water with you!


The main difference between the anglers that consistently catch a lot of fish and those that do not is KNOWLEDGE.  Knowledge of how to read the water, knowledge of how to match the hatch and interpret what the fish are biting on, and the knowledge of which series of casts and mends are needed to get your flies to the fish.  The learning curve can be steep, and asking questions can be intimidating as a couple of bearded fishing guides size you up and stare you down over the fly shop counter!  If you have ever visited our shop, joined us for one of our classes, or tuned into our YouTube channel or podcasts, there should be NO DOUBT THAT WE LOVE EDUCATING AND EMPOWERING FLY FISHINGERS with the KNOWLEDGE TO BE SUCCESSFUL!  The questions you've been wanting to ask are the ones we've been waiting to answer!  There are no secret flies or grudgingly given answers.  Knowledge is power and it is happily shared at Ascent Fly Fishing!


We all pick up a fly rod and wade into the water searching for different things.  Whether it is the rush of feeling the tug of a big trout as it takes your fly, the desire for a few hours of stillness, the opportunity to connect with family and friends, or to find solace and healing after a loss, these are the very real and ever-changing heart beats of life that draw us to the river.  FLY FISHING IS THE BEAUTIFUL MEDIUM AROUND WHICH WE GATHER TO SHARE LIFE.

Longtime friend of Ascent Dave (pictured above) came into the shop after the death of his golden retriever/fishing buddy, and in sharing that loss what we offered was our shop dog Cedar to join him on a weekend camping and fishing trip instead of trying to sell him flies.  A divorced dad might need the location of a quiet water to share with a child processing the change, while a friend in recovery might need the invitation to sit and be affirmed in a safe place where he is known and supported.  IT IS OUR DEEPEST HONOR TO HOLD SPACE AND JOIN OUR COMMUNITY IN SHARING LIFE TOGETHER.

Fly Fishing is a beautiful point of connection, and it is the opportunity to SHARE THE WATER, SHARE KNOWLEDGE, and SHARE LIFE with you that drives the team at Ascent Fly Fishing as we anticipate your next visit to the shop! 

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