We're here to equip you with a solid selection of flies, enabling you to get on the water and be successful without breaking the bank.
1%er (Trout Chow Fly)
Ascent Fly FishingThe 1%er or Trout Chow fly is seen as an abomination by many, and gets its name because this is how the rich elite anglers get their big fish on pr...
View full detailsAlbino Hex
Ascent Fly FishingThe queen of North American mayflies, the Hexegenia or Hex mayfly is only outclassed in size by one other species. Found across the United States ...
View full detailsAnt
Ascent Fly FishingWhile small in stature, what ants and termites lack in size, they make up for in numbers. Each summer, across the United States, when the stars al...
View full detailsBachmann's Damsel Nymph
Ascent Fly FishingSharing the same backwater and lake habitat with their larger cousins the Dragonflies, the Damselfly Nymphs are often found in the water in large n...
View full detailsBeadhead Hellgrammite
Ascent Fly FishingThe pissed off larva of the dobsonfly, Hellgrammites are a common invertebrate species found in both East and West coast trout streams. Ready to g...
View full detailsBeadhead Juju Yellow Sally
Ascent Fly FishingThe Beadhead Juju Yellow Sally is a flashy little stonefly nymph that expertly mimics the thin abdomen and brightly colored yellow body, and promin...
View full detailsBeadhead Loop Egg
Ascent Fly FishingEggs are a trout favorite, as they are one of the first major meals available to trout after ice off as well as one of the last chances to pack on ...
View full detailsBeadhead Mop Fly
Ascent Fly FishingLike a juicy slice of prime rib for trout, the crane fly larva can grow as large as your pinkie finger and represents a huge meal to a hungry trout...
View full detailsBeadhead Rockroller
Ascent Fly FishingThe most realistic cased caddis larva fly pattern in the shop, the BH Rockroller is a spot on imitation of a host of caddis species! Tied with com...
View full detailsBeadhead San Juan Worm
Ascent Fly FishingAs many of us learned as young children with a spinning reel or cane pole in hand, worms catch a lot of fish. There are a number of worm species (...
View full detailsBeadhead Squirmy Worm
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Flicking its tail in a "come hither" like motion and weighted with a brass bead, the Beadhead Squirmy Worm is a sexy pattern that trout everywhere ...
View full detailsBeadhead Woven Net Spinning Caddis Larva
Ascent Fly FishingMirroring the segmented body, dark back, and creamy gill covered belly of the actual net spinning caddis, the Beadhead Woven Net Spinning Caddis La...
View full detailsBlack Tent Wing Caddis
Ascent Fly FishingUsed to match a wide spread of black caddis species from coast to coast, the Black Tent Wing Caddis in an ultra realistic dry fly pattern used to m...
View full detailsBlack Winter Stone
Ascent Fly FishingIn the cold, wet winter when long hours of nymph fishing can get old, the Black Winter Stone Hatch (Capniidae) provides a welcome piece of dry fly ...
View full detailsBraided Butt Damsel
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
A common invertebrate family found on lakes and backwaters from sea level to above 10,000 feet, the bright blues and greens of the adult damselfly ...
View full detailsBTS Blueberry Mysis
Ascent Fly FishingA resident of a number of lakes and reservoirs across the Rockies and Western US, Mysis Shrimp are a key forage species supporting some of the most...
View full detailsBTS Candy Cane Mysis
Ascent Fly FishingA resident of a number of lakes and reservoirs across the Rockies and Western US, Mysis Shrimp are a key forage species supporting some of the most...
View full detailsBTS Mysis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
A resident of a number of lakes and reservoirs across the Rockies and Western US, Mysis Shrimp are a key forage species supporting some of the most...
View full detailsBTS Scud
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Though often confused with fresh water shrimp, scud are among a family of "side swimmers" and are a key staple in the diet of trophy trout in both ...
View full detailsBWO CDC Pearlwing Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingWithout a doubt, the most important moving water mayfly species in the trout's diet is the Blue Winged Olive (BWO). With numbers topping thousands...
View full detailsBWO CDC Thorax Dun
Ascent Fly FishingTied with both a hackle wrap behind the eye of the hook and a thick tuft of CDC feathers off its back, the BWO CDC Thorax Dun is an extra buoyant p...
View full detailsBWO Parachute Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe little Blue Winged Olive (BWO) mayfly of the family baetidae are arguably the most important moving-water mayfly hatch for both the trout and t...
View full detailsBWO Sparkle Dun
Ascent Fly FishingThe little Blue Winged Olive (BWO) mayfly of the family baetidae is arguably the most important moving-water mayfly hatch for both the trout and th...
View full detailsBXB Green Drake Coffin Fly
Ascent Fly FishingFound across the Eastern US and Canada and as far West as Arkansas, the Eastern Green Drake or Ephemera guttulata hatch is rivaled only in size and...
View full detailsBXB Parachute Slate Drake Dun
Ascent Fly FishingThe Slate Drake (or genus Isonychia) is a prominent, big bodied mayfly that hatches in trout streams across the East and Midwest. While not found ...
View full detailsBXB Parachute Yellow Drake
Ascent Fly FishingThe Yellow Drake (Ephemera varia) is a massive mayfly that emgerges from Midwestern and Eastern streams each fall. Unlike other mayflies in the Ep...
View full detailsChewee Cranefly Larva
Ascent Fly FishingLike hotdogs for trout, the cranefly larva can grow as large as your pinkie finger and represents a huge meal for a hungry trout. Particularly pro...
View full detailsCicada
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest of terrestrial trout foods, the Cicadas will emerge from the soil each summer to chirp through the summer nights. While present ...
View full detailsColorado Caddis
Ascent Fly FishingTied with a fuller wing than the typical wet caddis pattern, the Colorado Caddis is intended to span both the emerging caddis life cycle as well as...
View full detailsCranefly
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest of midges on our water, the Crane Fly looks like a Boeing 777 when compared with its peers. Known by a number of names from "Mos...
View full detailsDamselfly Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Sharing the same backwater and lake habitat with their larger cousins, the Dragonflies, the Damselfly Nymphs are often found in the water in large ...
View full detailsDark Hendrickson
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Tied to match the East coast's first and most prolific Spring mayfly hatch, that of Ephemerella subvaria or Dark Hendrickson. The traditional Dark...
View full detailsDragonfly Larva
Ascent Fly FishingFound in slow moving backwaters and lakes, the nymph life cycle of the dragon fly is going to offer the fly fisherman the best and most consistent ...
View full detailsEastern Green Drake Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingThe spawned out mayfly spinner, floating on top of the water after death, is among the easiest food and fastest calories for the feeding trout. Im...
View full detailsExtended Body Foam Grey Drake
Ascent Fly FishingThe mayfly genus of Siphlonurus, commonly known as Grey Drakes, are an important still water and slow moving water family spanning the US and Canad...
View full detailsExtended Body Hex Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingThe queen of North American mayflies, the Hexegenia or Hex mayfly is only outclassed in size by one other species. Found across the United States ...
View full detailsFeather Bender
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest mayfly species found in our rivers spanning from the Midwest to the Pacific Ocean, the Green Drake Nymph is a staple food for man...
View full detailsFlashback Mercury Baetis
Ascent Fly FishingThe offspring of an RSII and a JujuBaetis, the Flashback Mercury Baetis was a born and destined to be a trout slayer! Don't let the slim profile a...
View full detailsFlint's Yellow Sally
Ascent Fly FishingThis realistic Yellow Sally Stonefly pattern goes the extra mile in its attention to size, wing shape, and color differences of both the male and f...
View full detailsFloss Worm
Ascent Fly FishingThe thinner and more active little brother of the squirmy worm fly, the Floss Worm has all the aspirations of becoming a big worm someday but becau...
View full detailsFlying Ant
Ascent Fly FishingWhile small in stature, what ants and termites lack in size, they make up for in numbers. Each summer, across the United States, when the stars al...
View full detailsFoam Body Parachute Hex
Ascent Fly FishingThis large, extended body foam Hex mayfly matches the profile and grandeur of the queen of mayflies, Hexeginia limbata. Found across the United Sta...
View full detailsFoam Hopper
Ascent Fly FishingA more buoyant and durable version of the parachute hopper, the Foam Hopper will take a beating and keep on fishing! There are few trout foods as ...
View full detailsGreen Drake Emerger
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
When the big green drake nymphs break cover from the bottom of the stream and start to make their way towards the surface, it is mayhem! Trout los...
View full detailsGreen Drake Parachute Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe Jumbo Jet of Western mayflies, the Green Drake takes a long time to spread its wings and get off the water. During the Green Drake hatch, trou...
View full detailsGreen Drake Sparkle Dun
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest moving water mayfly species in the western US, the Green Drake dwarfs other mayfly species when it emerges each summer. Due to t...
View full detailsGreg's Parachute Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe closest legal alternative to fishing with dynamite during a mayfly hatch, the Parachute Greg's Emerger is - hands down - our favorite dry mayfl...
View full detailsGrey Drake Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingThe mayfly genus of Siphlonurus, commonly known as Grey Drakes, are an important still water and slow moving water family spanning the US and Canad...
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