Miracle Midge
In the murky, flowing, and changing world of trout, there are few fly materials as visible and easy to define as white. Able to be perceived by trout at a greater depth and distance than red, pink, green, or purple, the Miracle Midge with its white body, silver rib, and black head stands out like a beacon to feeding trout. The Miracle Midge is one of our top 5 larva patterns and is a proven all water killer, summer through winter.
Pro Tip: Carry Sharpie markers in a variety of colors when you are fishing, and hit the Miracle Midge with the colors that closest represent the bugs you sample on the water. Coloring fly patterns will allow you to multiply your fly selection on the spot!
Dry/Wet: Wet
Fly Category: Generalist Pattern
Family: Midges & Chironomids
Species: NA
Life Stage: Larva