Matt's Lead Trico Spinner
The tiny moving water mayfly family of Tricorythodes (or more comonly known as Tricos) make up what for what they lack in size (generally sizes 18-22) with their almost plague-like numbers. Creating swarms that can shadow the river, the expiring Trico spinners will cause even the most seasoned lunkers to rise from the depth to feed, making this last form of the adult mayfly one of the most productive for the angler to fish. When the spinner fall is light, the fish are selective, or trout are starting to follow the dead Tricos as they sink beneath the surface of the water, Matt's Lead Trico will pay dividends in the name and size of fish landed!
Dry/Wet: Dry
Fly Category: True-Fly Pattern
Family: Mayflies
Species: Trico
Life Stage: Adult