BTS Scud
Though often confused with fresh water shrimp, scud are among a family of "side swimmers" and are a key staple in the diet of trophy trout in both lakes and rivers. Varying in color from olive to pink, these protein-packed crustaceans try to stay close to the aquatic vegetation and algae on which they feed. Scud can offer intense action to feeding trout and are go-to flies on waters nationwide!
The BTS Scud is available in multiple colors to best match the genetic variations you will find between different scud. Also, similar to when a shrimp or lobster turns pink when boiled, dead scud will oftentimes take on a pink or orange hue when dead. The Epoxy back makes this pattern very durable and so long as your knot holds, it should stand up to multiple strikes by hungry trout!
Dry/Wet: Wet
Fly Category: True-Fly Pattern
Family: Scud, Shrimp, & Sowbugs
Species: NA
Life Stage: NA