Beadhead Flashback Barr's Emerger BWO
Topped with a brass beadhead and a little flash to help it shine through cloudy water, the Beadhead Flashback Barr's Emerger has earned its stripes in the field and on the water, making it one of the most popular and effective mayfly emerger patterns on the market. Tied small in olive or cream, the Beadhead Flashback Barr's Emerger is one of our favorite patterns for matching the emerger life cycle of the BWO, PMD, Sulphur, and Cahill mayfly families.
Dry/Wet: Wet
Fly Category: Generalist Pattern
Family: Mayfly
Species: Blue Winged Olive, Light Cahill, Pale Morning Dun, Pale Evening Dun, Sulphur Mayflies
Life Stage: Nymph, Emerger John Barr Barr's