Flies By Family
Shop for your perfect fly by invertebrate family, hatch, or life-cycle.
Callibaetis Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingFound throughout the lower 48 states and Canada, the Callibaetis Mayfly is one of our few stillwater (pond, lake, and reservoir) mayfly species. W...
View full detailsCDC Caddis
Ascent Fly FishingSimilar in size and shape to the Elk Hair Caddis, the CDC feather fibers from which the wings of the CDC Caddis are tied give it a light profile on...
View full detailsCDC Chironomid Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingA similar pattern to the Mosquito Emerger and the Hanging Midge patterns, the CDC Chironomid Emerger is suspended horizontally across the surface o...
View full detailsCDC Loopwing Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe CDC Loopwing Emerger is our go-to pattern when covering the emerger life cycle of the midge family. Available in multiple colors and sizes, th...
View full detailsCheesman Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingLocated just outside the busy Denver Colorado Suburbs, the fish of the Cheesman Canyon section of the South Platte River have been well trained. C...
View full detailsChernobyl Ant
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
True to its name, the Chernobyl Ant looks like a mutant terrestrial that crawled from the ashes of the Chernobyl nuclear plant meltdown. This big ...
View full detailsChewee Caddis Emerger
Ascent Fly Fishing4.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Similar in tie and material to the Barr's Graphic Caddis, the Chewee Caddis Emerger mimics the natural caddis in shape, color, and even texture whe...
View full detailsChewee Cranefly Larva
Ascent Fly FishingLike hotdogs for trout, the cranefly larva can grow as large as your pinkie finger and represents a huge meal for a hungry trout. Particularly pro...
View full detailsChocolate Thunder
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
7 Reviews
Born on the highly pressured and technical tailwaters of the South Platte River in Colorado, the Chocolate Thunder (aka. Foam Wing Emerger) is a su...
View full detailsChubby Chernobyl
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Known for its durability and long life even after a score of fish, the Chubby Chernobyl is both versatile and deadly. Tied with a foam body, antro...
View full detailsCicada
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest of terrestrial trout foods, the Cicadas will emerge from the soil each summer to chirp through the summer nights. While present ...
View full detailsColorado Caddis
Ascent Fly FishingTied with a fuller wing than the typical wet caddis pattern, the Colorado Caddis is intended to span both the emerging caddis life cycle as well as...
View full detailsConehead Articulated Thin Mint
Ascent Fly FishingWhat do you do when you have a favorite streamer pattern like the Thin Mint that consistently catches fish wherever and whenever you fish it? You ...
View full detailsConehead Autumn Splendor
Ascent Fly FishingOriginally tied in the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado, the fame and popularity of the Autumn Splendor Streamer has since spread from coast to coas...
View full detailsConehead Little Rascal
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
While small in stature and tied on a hook 2x shorter than most streamers, the unassuming size and slight profile of the Little Rascal streamer have...
View full detailsConehead Moto Minnow
Ascent Fly FishingA killer shad, fathead minnow, and sculpin imitation, the Conehead Moto Minnow gets down deep, does it quickly, and gets into the zone where the BI...
View full detailsConehead Muddler Minnow
Ascent Fly FishingAlthough the Muddler Minnow pattern is more than 75 years old, there is a reason that it has persisted to this day: it catches a lot of fish! This...
View full detailsConehead Slumpbuster
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
A piece of fly tying mad science, and hands down our favorite streamer pattern in the fly box, the Conehead Slumpbuster is a trophy trout killer (i...
View full detailsConehead Vanilla Bugger
Ascent Fly Fishing4.5 / 5.0
2 Reviews
An excellent imitation of a young sucker, whitefish, or sculpin, the Conehead Vanilla Bugger is a unique take on the classic wooly bugger that fill...
View full detailsConehead Whit's Sculpin
Ascent Fly FishingA very specific tie for one of trout's favorite and most consistent sources of food, the Whit's Sculpin is a dead ringer in profile and color for t...
View full detailsCopper John
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Fishing with a Copper John can be most accurately compared to fishing with dynamite! This heavy metal pattern is a quick sinker, is wrapped in lead...
View full detailsCranefly
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest of midges on our water, the Crane Fly looks like a Boeing 777 when compared with its peers. Known by a number of names from "Mos...
View full detailsCrystal Blue Persuasion
Ascent Fly FishingThe blue chrome-colored body of the Crystal Blue Persuasion makes it stand out in the water as wella s among its midge peers with their muted greys...
View full detailsDahlberg Diver
Ascent Fly FishingIf the Dahlberg Diver looks freaked out, it is because it knows it is about to get eaten! Large trout, bass, pike, and muskie love to crush this p...
View full detailsDamselfly Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Sharing the same backwater and lake habitat with their larger cousins, the Dragonflies, the Damselfly Nymphs are often found in the water in large ...
View full detailsDamselfly Selection
Ascent Fly FishingThe smaller cousin to the dragonfly, Damselflies are commonLY found in lakes and backwaters at every elevation. Hatching throughout the summer, th...
View full detailsDark Hendrickson
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Tied to match the East coast's first and most prolific Spring mayfly hatch, that of Ephemerella subvaria or Dark Hendrickson. The traditional Dark...
View full detailsDarth Baetis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The “Force is strong” with the Darth Baetis pattern and so is its ability to stick trout! Tied to overpower the reserve of rebellious tailwater tro...
View full detailsDeadly Dozen Midge Selection
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The Deadly Dozen Midge Selection has been purposefully assembled to match more midge species across more regions and waters - throughout the entire...
View full detailsDeadly Dozen Stonefly Selection
Ascent Fly FishingCreated for the angler who is looking to do battle with trout as they pursue stoneflies both wet and dry, the Deadly Dozen Stonefly Pattern Selecti...
View full detailsDeep Poison Tung
Ascent Fly FishingMidges are the most prolific and important food for trout in many waters. This diverse and abundant family is made up of almost 17,000 species, an...
View full detailsDirty Hipster
Ascent Fly FishingThe Tungsten Jigged Dirty Hipster is a no nonsense little stonefly nymph that kicks and flips through the water like a desperate stonefly nymph tha...
View full detailsDisco Baetis
Ascent Fly Fishing4.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Another pattern created by Ascent Bug Geek Peter Stitcher, the Disco Baetis has fast become one of our go-to fly patterns for tempting a bite out o...
View full detailsDisco Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Like a flashback to the clubs of the 1970's the Disco Midge is an embodiment of the bright lights and disco balls of that era! This amazing attrac...
View full detailsDolly Lama
Ascent Fly FishingHands down, the Dolly Lama (aka. Dali Llama) Articulate Streamer is one the Ascent team’s favorite flies in the shop and one of our most effective ...
View full detailsDouble Beadhead Stonefly Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing4.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The Double Beadhead Stonefly Nymph is a heavy metal pattern intended to sink quickly into the zone where fish are holding on the bottom of the rive...
View full detailsDouble Ribbed Chironomid
Ascent Fly FishingTied with alternating silver and red wire ribs and a flashy buzzer head to help it stand out at any depth, the Double Ribbed Chironomid is equally ...
View full detailsDragonfly Larva
Ascent Fly FishingFound in slow moving backwaters and lakes, the nymph life cycle of the dragon fly is going to offer the fly fisherman the best and most consistent ...
View full detailsDry Caddis Fly Selection
Ascent Fly FishingWith 18 families and 1,261 species of caddis found in lakes and rivers across North America, the caddisfly is one of the most important foods in th...
View full detailsDry Midge
Ascent Fly FishingThe traditional dry midge pattern is a fairly simple fly. It has been tied with only 3 materials as long as anyone can remember, and doesn't feel t...
View full detailsDry Stonefly Selection
Ascent Fly FishingDry stonefly patterns are by far one of the most fun patterns to fish! These "steaks of the river" offer feeding trout a shot at a big chunk of pr...
View full detailsEastern Green Drake Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingThe spawned out mayfly spinner, floating on top of the water after death, is among the easiest food and fastest calories for the feeding trout. Im...
View full detailsElk Caddis Micro Dun
Ascent Fly FishingLet me take a moment to emphasize the MICRO in the name Elk Caddis Micro Dun. Tied from a size 16 to a 22, this caddis is perfect for matching almo...
View full detailsElk Hair Caddis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
4 Reviews
If we had only one dry fly pattern to fish for every caddis hatch and were given some allowance to change up the sizes and colors, we would without...
View full detailsExtended Body Foam Grey Drake
Ascent Fly FishingThe mayfly genus of Siphlonurus, commonly known as Grey Drakes, are an important still water and slow moving water family spanning the US and Canad...
View full detailsExtended Body Hex Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingThe queen of North American mayflies, the Hexegenia or Hex mayfly is only outclassed in size by one other species. Found across the United States ...
View full detailsFat Albert
Ascent Fly Fishing4.5 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Often the biggest and baddest bug in the fly box, the Fat Albert might need a row all to itself. The titanic of terrestrial patterns, this fly is ...
View full detailsFeather Bender
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest mayfly species found in our rivers spanning from the Midwest to the Pacific Ocean, the Green Drake Nymph is a staple food for man...
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