Flies By Family
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2 Bead Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing“There something not quite right about this bug. I think I’ll give it a bite!” Yes, as a fisheries biologist I am able to read the minds of trout, ...
View full details3D Epoxy Black Fly Larva
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
With 418 species of black fly populating the US and Canada, these species are found in large numbers at every elevation. The 3D Epoxy Black Fly La...
View full details3D Epoxy Bloodworm
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Buried in the mud and silt of trout lakes and rivers across the continent are an army of midge and chironomid larva. In order to survive in these ...
View full detailsAnato Mayfly Nymph
Ascent Fly FishingAnato Mayfly Nymph is a thin-bodied small nymph pattern that can be fished as either a mayfly nymph or an immature stonefly nymph. Tied with a thi...
View full detailsBarr's Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe Barr's Emerger has earned its stripes in the field and on the water, making it one of the most popular and effective mayfly emerger patterns on...
View full detailsBeadhead Darth Baetis
Ascent Fly FishingNot a pattern for the young jedi to trifle with, the Beadhead Darth Baetis lives and dark places and does bad things to trout!! Tied to overpower t...
View full detailsBeadhead Brassie
Ascent Fly FishingA classic attactor midge pattern, the Beadhead Brassie is a proven killer when used to match this tiny invertebrate family. This heavy metal patte...
View full detailsBeadhead Chocolate Thunder
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
4 Reviews
Born on the highly pressured and technical tailwaters of the South Platte River in Colorado, the Chocolate Thunder (aka Foam Wing Emerger) is a sup...
View full detailsBeadhead Disco Baetis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Another Ascent Fly Fishing original, the Beadhead Disco Baetis has fast become one of our heavy metal, go-to fly patterns for tempting a bite out o...
View full detailsBeadhead Flashback Barr's Emerger BWO
Ascent Fly FishingTopped with a brass beadhead and a little flash to help it shine through cloudy water, the Beadhead Flashback Barr's Emerger has earned its stripes...
View full detailsBeadhead Flashback Hare's Ear
Ascent Fly FishingIf we could only fish two nymph patterns for the rest of our days on the water, one would be a Flashback Hare's Ear, and the second would be the Fl...
View full detailsBeadhead Flashback Juju Baetis
Ascent Fly FishingA heavy metal version of one of our most effective and versatile nymph patterns, the Beadhead Juju Baetis is a killer match for a host of mayflies ...
View full detailsBeadhead Flashback Pheasant Tail
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
While there are no secret patterns that are guaranteed to catch fish every time you are on the water, the closest thing to it would be the Pheasant...
View full detailsBeadhead Holo Midge
Ascent Fly FishingWith almost 17,000 midge species crowding the waters of North America, sometimes it pays for your fly pattern to stand out from the herd! The Beadh...
View full detailsBeadhead Skinny Nelson
Ascent Fly FishingOriginally tied along the banks of Oregon's McKenzie river, and made famous on the Big Horn River in Montana, the Skinny Nelson is an unassuming, m...
View full detailsBeadhead Zebra Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
With nearly 17,000 species of midges crowding our North American waters, the Beadhead Zebra Midge is an amazing generalist pattern that - when fish...
View full detailsBlack Beauty
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
3 Reviews
While not much to look at, the slim black profile and contrasting wire rib of the Black Beauty has proven to be the downfall of more trout than we ...
View full detailsBloodworm Emerger
Ascent Fly Fishing4.0 / 5.0
1 Review
A midge emerger from another mother, the Bloodworm Emerger is a mix of tried and true patterns like the mole fly and quill emerger with a dash of f...
View full detailsBTS Blueberry Mysis
Ascent Fly FishingA resident of a number of lakes and reservoirs across the Rockies and Western US, Mysis Shrimp are a key forage species supporting some of the most...
View full detailsBTS Candy Cane Mysis
Ascent Fly FishingA resident of a number of lakes and reservoirs across the Rockies and Western US, Mysis Shrimp are a key forage species supporting some of the most...
View full detailsBTS Mysis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
A resident of a number of lakes and reservoirs across the Rockies and Western US, Mysis Shrimp are a key forage species supporting some of the most...
View full detailsBTS Scud
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Though often confused with fresh water shrimp, scud are among a family of "side swimmers" and are a key staple in the diet of trophy trout in both ...
View full detailsBWO CDC Pearlwing Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingWithout a doubt, the most important moving water mayfly species in the trout's diet is the Blue Winged Olive (BWO). With numbers topping thousands...
View full detailsBWO CDC Thorax Dun
Ascent Fly FishingTied with both a hackle wrap behind the eye of the hook and a thick tuft of CDC feathers off its back, the BWO CDC Thorax Dun is an extra buoyant p...
View full detailsCDC Chironomid Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingA similar pattern to the Mosquito Emerger and the Hanging Midge patterns, the CDC Chironomid Emerger is suspended horizontally across the surface o...
View full detailsCDC Loopwing Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe CDC Loopwing Emerger is our go-to pattern when covering the emerger life cycle of the midge family. Available in multiple colors and sizes, th...
View full detailsCheesman Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingLocated just outside the busy Denver Colorado Suburbs, the fish of the Cheesman Canyon section of the South Platte River have been well trained. C...
View full detailsChocolate Thunder
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
7 Reviews
Born on the highly pressured and technical tailwaters of the South Platte River in Colorado, the Chocolate Thunder (aka. Foam Wing Emerger) is a su...
View full detailsCrystal Blue Persuasion
Ascent Fly FishingThe blue chrome-colored body of the Crystal Blue Persuasion makes it stand out in the water as wella s among its midge peers with their muted greys...
View full detailsDarth Baetis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The “Force is strong” with the Darth Baetis pattern and so is its ability to stick trout! Tied to overpower the reserve of rebellious tailwater tro...
View full detailsDisco Baetis
Ascent Fly Fishing4.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Another pattern created by Ascent Bug Geek Peter Stitcher, the Disco Baetis has fast become one of our go-to fly patterns for tempting a bite out o...
View full detailsDisco Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Like a flashback to the clubs of the 1970's the Disco Midge is an embodiment of the bright lights and disco balls of that era! This amazing attrac...
View full detailsDry Midge
Ascent Fly FishingThe traditional dry midge pattern is a fairly simple fly. It has been tied with only 3 materials as long as anyone can remember, and doesn't feel t...
View full detailsElk Caddis Micro Dun
Ascent Fly FishingLet me take a moment to emphasize the MICRO in the name Elk Caddis Micro Dun. Tied from a size 16 to a 22, this caddis is perfect for matching almo...
View full detailsFlashback Juju Baetis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
3 Reviews
A must-have staple in every angler's fly box, the Juju Baetis is one of our favorite nymph patterns when matching small or immature mayflies. The ...
View full detailsFlashback Mercury Baetis
Ascent Fly FishingThe offspring of an RSII and a JujuBaetis, the Flashback Mercury Baetis was a born and destined to be a trout slayer! Don't let the slim profile a...
View full detailsFlashback WD-40
Ascent Fly Fishing4.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Similar to the household lubricant from which this pattern derives its name, the WD-40 works anytime and everywhere! The profile of this fly and t...
View full detailsGold Ribbed Hare's Ear
Ascent Fly FishingIf we could only fish two nymph patterns for the rest of our days on the water, one would be a Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, and the second would be the ...
View full detailsGriffith's Gnat
Ascent Fly FishingIf we had to choose only one pattern to fish during every midge hatch we encounter the rest of our days, it would be the Griffith's Gnat. This pat...
View full detailsHeathen
Ascent Fly FishingThe Heathen is a no-frills midge emerger pattern tied with the sole purpose of matching a greater number of midge species and bringing more fish to...
View full detailsHi Vis Parachute Adams
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
3 Reviews
If we were only allowed to fish one dry mayfly pattern for the rest of our days on the water, that pattern would be the Parachute Adams. If we wer...
View full detailsHi Vis Parachute BWO
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Depending on where you live, a number of different mayflies might share the name of Blue Winged Olive (BWO), but the vast majority of the time it i...
View full detailsHot Pink Beadhead Flashback Hare's Ear
Ascent Fly FishingA new and deadly take on a pattern already feared by trout, the Hot Pink Beadhead Flashback Hare's Ear is a fly to be reckoned with! Topped with a...
View full detailsHot Pink Beadhead Pheasant Tail Flashback
Ascent Fly FishingA new and deadly take on a pattern already feared by trout, the Hot Pink Beadhead Pheasant Tail Flashback is a fly to be reckoned with! Topped wit...
View full detailsIan's Brass Ass
Ascent Fly FishingA slimmer and sleeker version of the traditional Brassie, the Ian's Brass Ass is a pure attractor pattern and is a proven producer when it comes to...
View full detailsJujubee Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
3 Reviews
Like a candy cane for trout, the Jujubee Midge is a sweet little wet midge pattern that can tempt even the most reluctant trout! The tiny wing bud...
View full detailsLight Cahill
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
With the name Light Cahill being applied to a number of different mayfly species across the country, having this pattern stocked in your box will ...
View full detailsLoopwing WD-40
Ascent Fly FishingSimilar to the household lubricant from which this pattern derives its name, the WD-40 works anytime and everywhere! The profile of this fly and t...
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