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Cheesman Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingLocated just outside the busy Denver Colorado Suburbs, the fish of the Cheesman Canyon section of the South Platte River have been well trained. C...
View full detailsPheasant Tail Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
While there are no secret patterns that are guaranteed to catch fish every time you are on the water, the closest thing to it would be the Pheasant...
View full detailsHippy Stomper
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
We don't name the patterns, we just tie the ones that catch a lot of fish! First introduced to the Hippy Stomper by a lodge up in Alaska, it quick...
View full detailsMayhem
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Mimicking one of the most vulnerable life cycles of the invertebrate, the foam wing of the Mayhem allows it to dance and bob in the water column in...
View full detailsSparkle Wing Midge Emerger
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
3 Reviews
The Sparkle Wing Midge Emerger is one of our our favorite small attractor midge patterns, and is a killer fly when targeting fish feeding during a ...
View full detailsMini Sex Dungeon
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Granted, the name is weird and might be difficult to explain to your kids when they are picking flies from your box, but the Mini Sex Dungeon artic...
View full detailsMole Fly
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Upon reaching the surface of the water, the emerging midge or chironomid pupa tears from the pack of its pupal skin and lifts its wings straight up...
View full detailsYong Flash Special - Bling Midge
Ascent Fly FishingBorn on the midge-rich waters of the San Juan River in New Mexico, the Yong Special or Bling Midge is like going fishing with your Grandpa's M-80 f...
View full detailsParachute Hopper
Ascent Fly FishingLike hamburgers from heaven, grasshoppers falling from the shore are well-loved and eagerly anticipated by the hungry trout lurking beneath stream ...
View full detailsBeadhead Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
3 Reviews
The soft hackle wrap on the Beadhead Soft Hackle Pheasant Tail adds another layer of realism to this already legendary pattern. As this nymph drif...
View full detailsMiracle Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
In the murky, flowing, and changing world of trout, there are few fly materials as visible and easy to define as white. Able to be perceived by tr...
View full detailsBeadhead Mini Leech
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
First tied to target the ultra-selective trophy trout of Colorado’s South Platte River, the Beadhead Mini Leech is an understated, micro leech patt...
View full detailsTailwater Assassin
Ascent Fly FishingWhen it comes to the most potent and lethal midge patterns, oftentimes “less is more” and that is certainly the case with the Tailwater Assassin mi...
View full detailsMatt's Midge
Ascent Fly FishingWe might be the only fly shop to tell you this, but you do not in fact need to buy a separate midge pattern to match each of the almost 17,000 spec...
View full detailsBeadhead Prince Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
While the Prince Nymph in its various forms has the profile of a mayfly or stonefly nymph, that is where the resemblance ends. Contrasting red and...
View full detailsBeadhead Loop Egg
Ascent Fly FishingEggs are a trout favorite, as they are one of the first major meals available to trout after ice off as well as one of the last chances to pack on ...
View full detailsHi Vis Parachute BWO
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Depending on where you live, a number of different mayflies might share the name of Blue Winged Olive (BWO), but the vast majority of the time it i...
View full detailsSuper Stimulator
Ascent Fly FishingThe Super Stimulator is the evolution of one of our favorite patterns and elevates it to the next level. The addition of rubber legs to this patter...
View full detailsFoam Hopper
Ascent Fly FishingA more buoyant and durable version of the parachute hopper, the Foam Hopper will take a beating and keep on fishing! There are few trout foods as ...
View full detailsX Caddis
Ascent Fly FishingThe close cousin to the traditional Elk Hair Caddis, the X-Caddis imitates the transition for the pupa to adult life stages as the caddis emerges t...
View full detailsHumpy
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
This large-bodied, brightly colored dry mayfly pattern is intended to appear as a large meal helplessly stranded on top of the water as opposed to ...
View full detailsBeadhead Fly Formerly Known as Prince
Ascent Fly FishingInitiated from a dare to make the Prince Nymph even gaudier, the Fly Formerly Known As Prince was born! Like the Prince Nymph's sexy big sister, t...
View full details2-Bead WD-40
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Similar to the household lubricant from which this pattern derives its name, the WD-40 works anytime and everywhere! The profile of this fly and t...
View full detailsZebra Midge Pupa
Ascent Fly FishingWith nearly 17,000 species of midges crowding our North American waters, the Zebra Midge Pupa is an amazing generalist pattern that - when fished i...
View full detailsAP Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The "AP" in AP Nymph stands for "All Purpose" and that is truly the case when it comes to this ultra-versatile generalist pattern. When fished in ...
View full detailsTungsten Jigged Copper John
Ascent Fly FishingFishing with a Tungsten Jigged Copper John can be most accurately compared to fishing with depth charge! This heavy metal pattern is a quick ...
View full detailsOros Strike Indicators - Single
OrosOros Strike Indicators are the evolution of the strike indicator and their easy to use, simple, non-slip construction are a must have for anglers w...
View full detailsFrenchie
Ascent Fly FishingBoth the varsity quarterback and the 2018 Prom King, the Frenchie is the over-achieving, flashy big brother of the pheasant tail nymph. While tippe...
View full detailsBuckskin
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Simple but effective, the Buckskin (often known as the Buckskin Nymph) is a killer caddis larva pattern that consistently produces fish on lakes an...
View full detailsBarr's Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe Barr's Emerger has earned its stripes in the field and on the water, making it one of the most popular and effective mayfly emerger patterns on...
View full detailsMatt's Baetis
Ascent Fly FishingThe Matt's Baetis nymph pattern captures the true spirit of the Generalist in its ability to match a massive number of mayfly and stonefly species....
View full detailsMercury RSII
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
No family of flies better covers the mayfly emerger life stage than the RSII! Trout eagerly anticipate the time when the mayfly nymphs break cover...
View full detailsGhost Monofilament Tippet
Ascent Fly Fishing4.5 / 5.0
2 Reviews
As scientists, we at Ascent Fly Fishing think that we have brought a unique product to the water with our GHOST monofilament tippet. Our passion fo...
View full detailsTungsten Jigged Walt's Worm
Ascent Fly FishingThe upside down little brother of the Franken Larva, the Walt's Worm is tied to a jig hook and topped with one big tungsten beadhead. A specialist ...
View full detailsManhattan Midge
Ascent Fly FishingIf you are looking for a go to midge emerger with a proven record of fooling even the most selective trout, look no further than the Manhattan Midg...
View full detailsParachute Madame X (PMX)
Ascent Fly FishingBased on the tried and true Madame X pattern, the Parachute Madame X (or PMX) adds a tall white parachute for extra buoyancy and visibility on the ...
View full detailsFoam Caddis
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Equal parts durable and buoyant, the foam caddis is an unsinkable dry fly and Generalist pattern used to match the adult caddis life cycle. Whethe...
View full detailsBeadhead San Juan Worm
Ascent Fly FishingAs many of us learned as young children with a spinning reel or cane pole in hand, worms catch a lot of fish. There are a number of worm species (...
View full details3D Epoxy Bloodworm
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Buried in the mud and silt of trout lakes and rivers across the continent are an army of midge and chironomid larva. In order to survive in these ...
View full detailsRiffle Drifter Perdigon
Ascent Fly FishingThe Tungsten Jig Riffle Drifter Perdigon cuts through the water like a torpedo and is the uncontested favorite fly pattern of most competition Euro...
View full detailsGreg's Parachute Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe closest legal alternative to fishing with dynamite during a mayfly hatch, the Parachute Greg's Emerger is - hands down - our favorite dry mayfl...
View full detailsFat Albert
Ascent Fly Fishing4.5 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Often the biggest and baddest bug in the fly box, the Fat Albert might need a row all to itself. The titanic of terrestrial patterns, this fly is ...
View full detailsBWO Parachute Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe little Blue Winged Olive (BWO) mayfly of the family baetidae are arguably the most important moving-water mayfly hatch for both the trout and t...
View full detailsBeadhead Zebra Midge Pupa
Ascent Fly FishingWith nearly 17,000 species of midges crowding our North American waters, the Beadhead Zebra Midge Pupa is an amazing generalist pattern that - when...
View full detailsWilly's Chironomid
Ascent Fly FishingFor a versatile chironomid pupa or emerger pattern that can be used to match more species on more waters, look no further than the Willy's Chironom...
View full detailsSan Juan Worm
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
As many of us learned as young children with a spinning reel or cane pole in hand, worms catch a lot of fish. There are a number of worm species (...
View full detailsBeadhead Pine Squirrel Leech
Ascent Fly FishingTied to a shorter shanked hook than the traditional streamer and wrapped with a flexible strip of squirrel hair that extends well past the curve of...
View full detailsConehead Slumpbuster
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
A piece of fly tying mad science, and hands down our favorite streamer pattern in the fly box, the Conehead Slumpbuster is a trophy trout killer (i...
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