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  • Trout Smart Series:  An Insider's Look at Catching Rainbow Trout on the Fly
    January 8, 2018

    Trout Smart Series: An Insider's Look at Catching Rainbow Trout on the Fly

    A rosy cheeked rainbow caught by Nate K.The grainy footage was captured on our family’s shoulder-mounted Panasonic Camcorder, technology so old that its probably come back into style with the kids wearing tight jeans and ironic mustaches. Hopping next to a pond on that Smoky Mountain morning, a towheaded kid fills the frame as [...]
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  • A Fly Fisher's Guide to Identifying and Matching Stoneflies: Part 2
    June 6, 2016

    A Fly Fisher's Guide to Identifying and Matching Stoneflies: Part 2

    I'm not interested in simply filling your head with scientific bug names and entomology facts. While we took an in-depth look at the characteristics that will enable the fly fisher to identify stonefly nymphs and adults at a glance in last month's article, The Rise of the Stonefly, that information won't do you any [...]
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  • Why Fishing Gets Better When it Turns Dark or Cloudy
    August 5, 2015

    Why Fishing Gets Better When it Turns Dark or Cloudy

    Whenever I'm on the river and I see the clouds begin to roll over the mountains, their threats of rain and wind brooding in their dark forms, my heart begins to beat a little faster as I put down my nymphing rig and reach for my dry fly box. It is in [...]
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  • How to Hack Your Flies & Multiply Your Fly Box
    December 1, 2014

    How to Hack Your Flies & Multiply Your Fly Box

    No matter how diligently we may tie flies through the winter and pack line after line of our favorite patterns into our fly boxes, inevitably we will find ourselves thigh deep in some river looking blankly at a piece of broken tippet and our last "Hot Fly" swimming downstream in the mouth of a big fish. Now before [...]
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  • Learn to Anticipate the Next Hot Hatch
    November 4, 2014

    Learn to Anticipate the Next Hot Hatch

    Being born and raised in the Mid-West, my life was intimately connected to land. From working on farms and ranches during my early years, to selling sweet corn on the side of the road to pay for college, the seasons were marked by their own unique rhythms of planting and harvest. From the [...]
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  • Fly Fishing with William Shakespeare - What's in a Name?
    July 1, 2014

    Fly Fishing with William Shakespeare - What's in a Name?

    "A fly by any other name would fish as sweet." These words were penned by playwright and middling rod manufacturer, William Shakespeare, in a play about the forlorn love between the son of a fly fisherman and the daughter of a worm dunker. While this melancholy tale clearly illustrates the heartbreaking consequences of [...]
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  • Fly Selection 101: Introducing The TRUE FLY Patterns
    March 2, 2014

    Fly Selection 101: Introducing The TRUE FLY Patterns

    I kept the True Flies installment of the Fly Selection 101 articles until last because these patterns are near and dear to my geeky, invertebrate-loving heart! Not to be confused with the broader invertebrate order Diptera that also goes by the moniker "True Flies" and includes midges, mosquitoes, crane flies and black flies, we are [...]
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