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  • Fly Fishing Rigs for Leader & Tippet Tags
    May 18, 2021

    Fly Fishing Rigs for Leader & Tippet Tags

                            The proverb “Waste not, want not” rings true in many areas of fly fishing. We continue to add dry fly floatant in the attempt to resurrect a soggy-bottomed grasshopper pattern, “seasoned anglers” (aka. OLD anglers) will invariably get on their knees to comb [...]
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  • The Advantages of Fly Fishing with Fluorocarbon
    January 29, 2020

    The Advantages of Fly Fishing with Fluorocarbon

    Not all tippet and leader are created equal. Monofilament or nylon line has been around since the 1950s and while relatively inexpensive and excellent for fishing dry flies, it has some major disadvantages when fishing wet flies or targeting skittish fish. The answer to these problems came in the mid-’70s with the invention of fluorocarbon [...]
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