Like a high-stepping line of Las Vegas showgirls or the cast of Baywatch, the family of flies called Attractors rely more on flash and embellishment than attempting to represent any true invertebrate species. Making up roughly 20% of dry patterns and 30% of wet patterns, flies from this family are dressed in tinsel, copper, mirrored [...]
Like monsters birthed from a radioactive disaster, now is the time for the biggest and gnarliest dry flies to emerge from your fly boxes and hit the water!With the onset of summer and the rising temps, our largest stoneflies and terrestrials come to life and onto the menu. Several species of Golden Stoneflies and [...]
The world of trout is ruled and regulated by cycles. Each Spring, the Rainbow, and Cutthroat Trout spawn, followed by the Brown and Brook Trout in the Fall. The fish in the river migrate from deep pools to flooded river banks to fast flowing riffles and back again to account for the rise [...]
Hindsight is always 20/20. As I look back, maybe I didn't need to work all of those weekends. Gazing over my computer monitor and trays of flies, I would see them outside of my window, waiting to play, but would inevitably convince myself that the work could not wait. It seems like [...]