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  • Rod Angle and the Geometry of Fighting and Landing Big Fish: Part I
    February 27, 2017

    Rod Angle and the Geometry of Fighting and Landing Big Fish: Part I

    Photo by: Mark JessopFor many of us, “Keep your rod tip up!” summarized the entirety of our instruction in how to fight and land fish. In my youth, I would snap to Marine-like attention as this familiar call would fire across the river, and redouble the bend of my rod while straining against the fish [...]
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  • Learn to Anticipate the Next Hot Hatch
    November 4, 2014

    Learn to Anticipate the Next Hot Hatch

    Being born and raised in the Mid-West, my life was intimately connected to land. From working on farms and ranches during my early years, to selling sweet corn on the side of the road to pay for college, the seasons were marked by their own unique rhythms of planting and harvest. From the [...]
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