The fly rod in my hand was twice my height, and I had free reign of the Saint Vrain while my grandfather was on duty at the trailhead. That first day on the river was more than 30 years ago now, but the fly that was catching fish that day has rarely let me [...]
It takes a confident man to rock as much purple as the artist Prince did before his passing on April 21, 2016. The man exuded an animal magnetism that drove women crazy the same way that trout lose their fishy minds when a purple fly drifts their way!The foundation to matching the hatch is [...]
Like a high-stepping line of Las Vegas showgirls or the cast of Baywatch, the family of flies called Attractors rely more on flash and embellishment than attempting to represent any true invertebrate species. Making up roughly 20% of dry patterns and 30% of wet patterns, flies from this family are dressed in tinsel, copper, mirrored Mylar, [...]