Fly Fishing During the Coronavirus - Take Heart & Find HopePhoto Credit - Mark JessopWe're facing some trying times and the future is uncertain. No matter how much toilet paper and canned goods we feel compelled to stockpile, the future is out of our control and that is disconcerting. It is at times [...]
Matching the match is really a two-part process. The angler must first observe the insects in, on, and around the water and be able to identify which family of insect and life cycle each falls under. Secondly, they need to be able to go into their fly box and choose the fly patterns [...]
We’ve all had days on the water when the fish just don’t want to cooperate. We’ve sampled the water, matched the hatch, and even after tying on all of our tried and true patterns, these even fall short and fail to elicit a rise from trout. Trout get lazy or fly-shy for a [...]
I will be the first to acknowledge that going into your local fly shop can be intimidating. The beaded shop rats inevitably talk us into some new fangled fly pattern, and our fly boxes become more convoluted and confused with each new pattern we add to our fly boxes. Sometimes it pays to [...]