Generalist Patterns
If you are looking to match more hatches across more waters and seasons with fewer fly patterns, look no further than the go-to family of flies known as Generalist Patterns.
Medallion Midge Pupa
Ascent Fly FishingOne of the defining characteristics of the midge pupa is its thickened thorax and head, with a hint of an emerging wing. With the geeky, entomolog...
View full detailsMercury Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
A souped-up and sexier version of the Black Beauty and Miracle Midge, the addition of the glass beadhead to the Mercury Midge brings an extra spark...
View full detailsMercury RSII
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
No family of flies better covers the mayfly emerger life stage than the RSII! Trout eagerly anticipate the time when the mayfly nymphs break cover...
View full detailsMini Leech
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
First tied to target the ultra-selective trophy trout of Colorado’s South Platte River, the Mini Leech is an understated, micro leech pattern that ...
View full detailsMini Sex Dungeon
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Granted, the name is weird and might be difficult to explain to your kids when they are picking flies from your box, but the Mini Sex Dungeon artic...
View full detailsMiracle Midge
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
In the murky, flowing, and changing world of trout, there are few fly materials as visible and easy to define as white. Able to be perceived by tr...
View full detailsMiracle Nymph
Ascent Fly FishingWhile it’s easy to get carried away in the fly shop and pack your boxes with a ton of different midge patterns, sometimes it’s best to just keep it...
View full detailsMole Fly
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
Upon reaching the surface of the water, the emerging midge or chironomid pupa tears from the pack of its pupal skin and lifts its wings straight up...
View full detailsMosquito Dry Fly
Ascent Fly FishingCapable of reproducing in any pond, backwater, or puddle, these little blood suckers will be found in every state and at every elevation. While mo...
View full detailsMPMD Nymph
Ascent Fly FishingA mayfly nymph from another mother, the MPMP Nymph is one of Ascent’s “secret weapon” Pale Morning Dun Mayfly Nymph we pull out when trout become w...
View full detailsParachute Adams
Ascent Fly Fishing4.7 / 5.0
3 Reviews
If we were only allowed to fish one dry mayfly pattern for the rest of our days on the water, that pattern would be the Parachute Adams. This Gene...
View full detailsParachute Blue Dun
Ascent Fly FishingHolding its head and abdomen close to the water, and its wings high aloft, the Parachute Blue Dun is an excellent fly pattern when matching the Bla...
View full detailsParachute BWO
Ascent Fly FishingDepending on where you live, a number of different mayflies might share the name of Blue Winged Olive (BWO). However, it is the size 16-24 family...
View full detailsParachute Caddis
Ascent Fly FishingDon't let the name of this pattern fool you and make you think that it is only effective during the caddis hatch! The Parachute Caddis is one of o...
View full detailsParachute Callibaetis Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingFound throughout the lower 48 states and Canada, the Callibaetis Mayfly is one of our few stillwater (pond, lake, and reservoir) mayfly species. W...
View full detailsParachute Madame X (PMX)
Ascent Fly FishingBased on the tried and true Madame X pattern, the Parachute Madame X (or PMX) adds a tall white parachute for extra buoyancy and visibility on the ...
View full detailsParachute PMD
Ascent Fly FishingAfter the BWO hatch each spring, the Pale Morning Dun or PMD is the next major mayfly hatch for streams and rivers across the West. If you are loo...
View full detailsParachute Sulphur
Ascent Fly FishingOne of the first and most prolific mayfly hatches each spring in the upper Midwest, Appalachia, East Coast, and New England, the trout wake from th...
View full detailsParachute Trico
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The tiny moving water mayfly family of Tricorythodes (or more commonly known as Tricos), make up what for what they lack in size (generally sizes 1...
View full detailsParachute White Miller
Ascent Fly FishingWhite Drakes, White Flies, or White Millers, whatever the name they might go by in your neck of the woods, the importance of the Ephoron family to ...
View full detailsPat's Rubber Legs
Ascent Fly FishingWhile to the untrained eye, the Pat's Rubber Legs (regionally also known as “The Pickle” or “Cat Poop”) look to the angler like little more than a ...
View full detailsPeanut Envy
Ascent Fly FishingInspired by the Circus Peanut, the Peanut Envy articulated streamer is a long, lean trout sticking machine! The longest articulate streamer in the ...
View full detailsPheasant Tail Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
While there are no secret patterns that are guaranteed to catch fish every time you are on the water, the closest thing to it would be the Pheasant...
View full detailsPMD Pearlwing Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingUsed to match the expired PMD, PED, and Sulphur Mayflies, this Pearlwing Spinner has given up its ghost and is ready and waiting for a hungry trout...
View full detailsPS Dad Bod
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
“Dad Bods are hot right now!” While the Dad jokes almost write themselves on the river with this pattern, this double beadhead nymph pattern is no ...
View full detailsPS Dirty French Kiss
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The darker version of the PS French Kiss fly pattern, the Dirty French Kiss is a punk rock fly that is always ready to GET DOWN with any trout! Wh...
View full detailsPS French Kiss
Ascent Fly FishingLike a middle school boy going in for their first kiss, this fly is a bit over eager and goes in deep with the TUNG. This fly stands out from the ...
View full detailsQuill Midge Emerger
Ascent Fly Fishing4.0 / 5.0
1 Review
Trout porpoising through the top of the water, fins, and snouts just clipping through the surface is a telltale sign of fish gorging on midge emerg...
View full detailsReef Pal
Ascent Fly FishingOne of the best kept guide secrets of Wyoming's North Platte River, the Reef Pal is a mighty midge pattern that packs one hell of a punch. The blu...
View full detailsRenegade
Ascent Fly FishingKnown as a bit of a bad boy when it comes to midge imitations, the Renegade is the fly you tie on when you need to break out of a slump and land a ...
View full detailsRiffle Drifter Perdigon
Ascent Fly FishingThe Tungsten Jig Riffle Drifter Perdigon cuts through the water like a torpedo and is the uncontested favorite fly pattern of most competition Euro...
View full detailsRSII
Ascent Fly Fishing4.7 / 5.0
3 Reviews
No family of flies better covers the mayfly emerger life stage than the RSII! Trout eagerly anticipate the time when the mayfly nymphs break cover...
View full detailsRusty Spinner
Ascent Fly FishingThe spawned out mayfly spinner, floating on top of the water after death, is among the easiest food and fastest calories available for the feeding ...
View full detailsSculpin Selection
Ascent Fly FishingFound in rivers, streams, at every elevation and across most of the US and Canada, sculpin are one of the favorite foods of big trout and bass! Var...
View full detailsSculpzilla
Ascent Fly FishingBig fish eat little fish, and among the favorites on the menu is the Sculpin! With multiple species of sculpin found in both lakes and rivers acro...
View full detailsSex Dungeon
Ascent Fly FishingGranted, the name is weird and might be difficult to explain to your kids when they are picking flies from your box, but the Sex Dungeon articulate...
View full detailsSkinny Nelson
Ascent Fly FishingOriginally tied along the banks of Oregon's McKenzie river, and made famous on the Big Horn River in Montana, the Skinny Nelson is an unassuming, m...
View full detailsSofa Pillow
Ascent Fly FishingAmong the largest dry flies in the angler's arsenal, the Sofa Pillow ca be used to match the adult life stage of several stonefly species. The spe...
View full detailsSparkle Caddis Pupa
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
The Sparkle Caddis Pupa (or LaFontaine Caddis Emerger) was the brainchild of caddis aficionado and renowned angler Gary LaFontaine. Tied to imitat...
View full detailsSparkle Wing RSII
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
2 Reviews
No family of flies better covers the mayfly emerger life stage than the RSII! Trout eagerly anticipate the time when the mayfly nymphs break cover...
View full detailsSplit Case BWO
Ascent Fly FishingEquipped with a "Hot Spot" wing pad, the subtle olive foam on the back of the Split Case BWO imitates the light olive body for the adult Blue Wing...
View full detailsSplit Case PMD
Ascent Fly FishingEquipped with a "Hot Spot" wing pad, the bright yellow foam on the back of the Split Case PMD imitate the bright yellow body for the adult PMD mayf...
View full detailsStimulator
Ascent Fly FishingIf we had to choose one fly pattern with which to fish any and all stonefly hatches, it would be the Stimulator. Available in a number of sizes an...
View full detailsStonefly Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing4.5 / 5.0
2 Reviews
With 10 families and 465 species of stoneflies crowding our North American waters, sometimes it is nice to just have a go-to pattern that can be us...
View full detailsStonefly Nymph Selection
Ascent Fly FishingIn streams and rivers full of tiny invertebrates, the stonefly nymphs look like something out of a 1970's Japanese Monster movie! Like creatures r...
View full detailsSuper Pupa
Ascent Fly FishingThe Super Pupa is a beadhead pupa pattern that is a near spot-on imitation of the caddis emerger suspended or swimming between the lake or river be...
View full detailsSuper Stimulator
Ascent Fly FishingThe Super Stimulator is the evolution of one of our favorite patterns and elevates it to the next level. The addition of rubber legs to this patter...
View full detailsSure Shot
Ascent Fly FishingA Bumble Bee, a Wasp, A Yellow Jacket, or just some crazy looking Mayfly, regardless of what the Sure Shot was intended to be it sure matches a lo...
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