Greg's Parachute Emerger
The closest legal alternative to fishing with dynamite during a mayfly hatch, the Parachute Greg's Emerger is - hands down - our favorite dry mayfly emerger pattern. Spot on in its imitation of mayfly struggling through the surface of the water in that vulnerable transition from nymph to dun, this pattern sits half in and half out of the water and will soon become one of your “Go-T0” fly patterns! Tied in a variety of colors and sizes, the Parachute Greg's Emerger will make the difference between getting skunked vs having a day for books!
Dry/Wet: Dry
Fly Category: Generalist Pattern, True Fly Pattern
Family: Mayfly
Species: Blue Quill, Blue Winged Olive, Caenidae (Angler's Curse), Cahill, Callibaetis (Speckle Wing), Golden Mayfly, Grey Drake, Pale Morning Dun/Pale Evening Dun, Slate Drake, Sulphur, Trico
Life Stage: Emerging Dun, Cripple