Cahill Patterns
Matt's Baetis
Ascent Fly FishingThe Matt's Baetis nymph pattern captures the true spirit of the Generalist in its ability to match a massive number of mayfly and stonefly species....
View full detailsGreg's Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe closest legal alternative to fishing with dynamite during a mayfly hatch, the Greg's Emerger is - hands down - our favorite mayfly emerger patt...
View full detailsLoopwing WD-40
Ascent Fly FishingSimilar to the household lubricant from which this pattern derives its name, the WD-40 works anytime and everywhere! The profile of this fly and t...
View full detailsBeadhead Flashback Hare's Ear
Ascent Fly FishingIf we could only fish two nymph patterns for the rest of our days on the water, one would be a Flashback Hare's Ear, and the second would be the Fl...
View full detailsBeadhead Soft Hackle Hare's Ear
Ascent Fly FishingAlso know as the Guides Choice hares Ear Nymph, it is the soft hackle wrap on the that adds the final layer of realism to this already legendary pa...
View full detailsLight Cahill
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
With the name Light Cahill being applied to a number of different mayfly species across the country, having this pattern stocked in your box will ...
View full detailsParachute PMD
Ascent Fly FishingAfter the BWO hatch each spring, the Pale Morning Dun or PMD is the next major mayfly hatch for streams and rivers across the West. If you are loo...
View full detailsBarr's Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe Barr's Emerger has earned its stripes in the field and on the water, making it one of the most popular and effective mayfly emerger patterns on...
View full detailsPheasant Tail Nymph
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
While there are no secret patterns that are guaranteed to catch fish every time you are on the water, the closest thing to it would be the Pheasant...
View full detailsGold Ribbed Hare's Ear
Ascent Fly FishingIf we could only fish two nymph patterns for the rest of our days on the water, one would be a Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, and the second would be the ...
View full detailsBeadhead Flashback Barr's Emerger BWO
Ascent Fly FishingTopped with a brass beadhead and a little flash to help it shine through cloudy water, the Beadhead Flashback Barr's Emerger has earned its stripes...
View full detailsHi Vis Parachute Adams
Ascent Fly Fishing5.0 / 5.0
3 Reviews
If we were only allowed to fish one dry mayfly pattern for the rest of our days on the water, that pattern would be the Parachute Adams. If we wer...
View full detailsHi Vis Parachute PMD
Ascent Fly FishingAfter the BWO hatch each spring, the Pale Morning Dun or PMD is the next major mayfly hatch for streams and rivers across the West. If you are loo...
View full detailsIrresistible Adams
Ascent Fly FishingThe overweight member of the Adams dry fly family, the Irresistible Adams is just too big of a meal for most trout to pass up! While copying the wi...
View full detailsGreg's Parachute Emerger
Ascent Fly FishingThe closest legal alternative to fishing with dynamite during a mayfly hatch, the Parachute Greg's Emerger is - hands down - our favorite dry mayfl...
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