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  • Red Hot Summers - Why Trout Love Red Flies
    August 1, 2014

    Red Hot Summers - Why Trout Love Red Flies

    With the progression of summer, fishing across the country is heating up both figuratively and literally. Anglers can anticipate waves of hatches throughout the day, with fish feeding in every level of the water column. Water clarity will improve daily as runoff continues to slow and flows decrease. With the long sunny days and stable summer [...]
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  • Fly Fishing with William Shakespeare - What's in a Name?
    July 1, 2014

    Fly Fishing with William Shakespeare - What's in a Name?

    "A fly by any other name would fish as sweet." These words were penned by playwright and middling rod manufacturer, William Shakespeare, in a play about the forlorn love between the son of a fly fisherman and the daughter of a worm dunker. While this melancholy tale clearly illustrates the heartbreaking consequences of [...]
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  • A Fly Fisher's Cautionary Tale
    June 1, 2014

    A Fly Fisher's Cautionary Tale

    Hindsight is always 20/20. As I look back, maybe I didn't need to work all of those weekends. Gazing over my computer monitor and trays of flies, I would see them outside of my window, waiting to play, but would inevitably convince myself that the work could not wait. It seems like [...]
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  • The Hottest Part of the Hatch - Fishing the Emergence with Wagner
    May 3, 2014

    The Hottest Part of the Hatch - Fishing the Emergence with Wagner

    (Before you read this article, please click on the image above or the song title here to cue Richard Wagner's piece, Ride of the Valkyries).With Wagner now providing a soundtrack for this article, imagine with me hundreds of thousands of mature mayfly nymphs, caddis pupa, and midge pupa staging among the rocks along the bottom [...]
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  • What do Trout See & How To Exploit it When Fishing
    April 2, 2014

    What do Trout See & How To Exploit it When Fishing

    Sitting alongside the river in the morning and surveying the spread of fly boxes that surround me, each with closely-packed ranks of flies, I feel like a general inspecting his troops before battle. At this point, I face the perpetual question of which fly to deploy to outwit my foe, the trout. Before [...]
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  • Fly Selection 101: Introducing The TRUE FLY Patterns
    March 2, 2014

    Fly Selection 101: Introducing The TRUE FLY Patterns

    I kept the True Flies installment of the Fly Selection 101 articles until last because these patterns are near and dear to my geeky, invertebrate-loving heart! Not to be confused with the broader invertebrate order Diptera that also goes by the moniker "True Flies" and includes midges, mosquitoes, crane flies and black flies, we are [...]
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  • Fly Selection 101: Introducing the ATTRACTOR FLY Patterns
    February 1, 2014

    Fly Selection 101: Introducing the ATTRACTOR FLY Patterns

     Like a high-stepping line of Las Vegas showgirls or the cast of Baywatch, the family of flies called Attractors rely more on flash and embellishment than attempting to represent any true invertebrate species. Making up roughly 20% of dry patterns and 30% of wet patterns, flies from this family are dressed in tinsel, copper, mirrored Mylar, [...]
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  • Fly Selection 101:  Introducing The GENERALIST FLY Patterns
    January 1, 2014

    Fly Selection 101: Introducing The GENERALIST FLY Patterns

    A perennial complaint that I have heard from customers over the years is their inability to remember the names of their flies, what invertebrates they represent, and when to use each. We have all at one time or another visited the local fly shop to pick up "must have patterns" only to add them [...]
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  • Want to Catch More Trout on the Fly?  Then GO DEEP!
    December 4, 2013

    Want to Catch More Trout on the Fly? Then GO DEEP!

    Trout are among some of nature's most astute investors. The habitat in which fish reside, the invertebrates they pursue, and ultimately the artificial flies they take are all weighed in a purposefully applied cost-benefit analysis. In the case of the trout, this equation takes into account the amount of protein and calories provided [...]
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