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BTS Candy Cane Mysis

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A resident of a number of lakes and reservoirs across the Rockies and Western US, Mysis Shrimp are a key forage species supporting some of the most productive trout lake and tailwater trout fisheries.  These opaque, semi-translucent, protein-rich shrimp are an elusive prey in the reservoirs in which they grow, and it is in the tailwaters below the reservoirs that their importance really comes to light.  Flushed into the tailwaters as water is released from the dam, the mysis shrimp helplessly drifts downstream into the waiting jaws of hungry trout.  An abbreviation for "Better than Sex" the BTS Candy Cane Mysis is a variation of our own creation and takes advantage of the red color spectrum that are visible to trout and is a proven color for seducing trout to strike.  Standing out from the other mysis drifting down the river, the BTS Candy Cane Mysis appeals to the predator nature of trout, and their attraction to feed on prey that appear vulnerable due to the unique color.  

On a trial run with this pattern we netted 50 fish in the first hour!  I think we're onto something!

Dry/Wet:  Wet

Fly Category: True-Fly PatternAttractor Fly Pattern

Family: Scud, Shrimp & Sowbugs

Species: Mysis Shrimp

Life Stage: NA